Friday, November 16, 2012

GREAT Resources for Kids Health

This week, our eighth grade is debuting their musical, Aladdin. It's been an exciting and crazy week. Aladdin means there is no gym space! Instead of canceling class, I took my 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 8th graders to the computer lab to check out a lot of cool websites about health. Favorite moment: when one of my students asked if they still needed to change into their gym clothes. :)

Here are some of the websites we checked out:

Click on--> 'MyPlate'
Students pretended they were on a scavenger hunt to find answers about the five different food groups.
-What colors are represented for each food group?
-What phrase should we remember about each food group?
-List three foods from each group that you like.
-Create a MyPlate of your own, dividing it into the five different food groups/colors.

Click on--> Serving My Plate: A Yummy Curriculum 
Scroll to bottom and Click on--> Blast Off Game or Track and Field Fuel Up Challenge
These interactive computer games created a fun way to learn about nutrition.
Students had to answer questions about food groups in order to get their track runner to move or their rocket to shoot into space!

Search: The Heart & Circulatory System
Students had to read an article about the heart and find one fact from each page of the article.
In the future, we will also visit different sites to learn about Heart Rates.

This is an AWESOME site for learning about the heart.
Students watched a video and completed a worksheet about Hands Only CPR.
Students discovered "HeartTrek" and could watch as well as learn about a beating heart's different parts.

Our FAVORITE website to track your physical activity and eating, participate in online challenges, and work to become healthier each day.

All of these websites are fun tools to use at home, too!

Happy Friday :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Almost November!?

Wow. Is it really almost November? The year continues to fly by! A lot is happening in P.E. in October.

God has blessed us with AMAZING weather and the middle school students have used it to their advantage as they head to the last week of their Touch Football Season. They have completely wrapped up all physical fitness testing as well. They will be re-tested in the Spring to see what improvement they have made.

The Fourth Graders have also finished their physical fitness tests completely- they will find out the standards for each test and which of their own classmates attained the best results. We will continue striving for improved physical fitness throughout many new warm up exercises and education about the heart and aerobic/anaerobic exercise...
Just last week I told the fourth grade class that whoever could research just what exactly "Cardiovascular Endurance" is, they would receive extra credit. Many students could not even repeat the word to me (it was the first time many of them had heard it)... but they DID know cardio= heart. I had three wonderful fourth grade girls come find me on their own time to have me repeat and write down the phrase again. They then researched in the computer lab and handed in a sticky note (with even a muscle man drawing), that said, "The heart's ability to give oxygen to the rest of your body's muscles." They then presented their answer to the rest of the class and, it seemed, many light bulbs went on!

The Third Graders have been busy with many different specific motor abilities such as Speed, Power, and Coordination through different exercise circuits and group activities. After a day filled with only speed and power exercises, then repeating them to music, they left telling the other class, "It is SO FUN today." Who knew plain exercise could be fun to kids? :) We also continue to stress sportsmanship through team games.

The Kindergarteners, First Graders, and Second Graders are focusing on the manipulative skills of rolling, catching, underhand and overhand throwing. Practicing simple things like grip through games like follow the leader and sculpting T's (where students act as statues and other students form the "statues" in an overhand throw pose), to more in depth activities like hula hoop target throwing at different distances. Fun games such as Clean Up Your Yard and Dodgeball have also been a hit.

Other events related to Physical Activity at West Side have continued developing....
-The Middle School Fuel Up to Play 60 Representatives will introduce Fuel Up to Play 60, a student-led program that promotes physical activity and nutrition, at this Thursday's Chapel (as well as the school's first challenge: a combined Poster/Touchdown Dance Video).
-The Mileage Club continues to "run" strong. K-5 students will find out THIS WEEK which one of their classmates had the highest mileage in each grade. Those five winners will receive a certificate and a healthy breakfast with Mr. Groenendyk for their hard work. The highest mileage classroom will also be recognized.

That's all for now.
Praying for another fun, active, and safe week in the West Side Gym!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Soccer "Season"

At West Side, many middle school students are busy with soccer season. But in P.E., all middle school students are busy with it! This year, we have many different sport seasons rather than units. This type of teaching is part of the Sport Education Model. Teaching students responsibility, team camaraderie, discipline, and competitive spirit are all part of this model.

Students started out the season by creating teams. This can be done in many different ways. The way that worked best for us was this:

1) Each student pairs up with 1 other student who displays the same soccer ability level as him/her.
2)That group of 2 pairs up with another group of 2 equal in playing ability.
3) Then, each group of 4 numbers off 1-2-3-4.
4) Then (surprise!) I split the teams into 4 teams, all the 1's are together, 2's are together, etc.

This method of splitting up students helps create even teams and helps all students excel as they compete against those closest in ability to them.

Once teams are established, students pick their individual responsibilities (team manager, referee, trainer, etc) and the season begins. We have practice days, team competition days, and mix in full class game days. Students are still getting used to mixing it up in all these different ways each day they come.

The 3rd and 4th graders are also busy getting the soccer units underway. In addition to practicing many different soccer skills, drills, and lead-up games, they have been learning how to be Stretch Leaders and have learned the "West Side" chant (also a great abdominal and upper body strength workout)!

Our 4th grade class received their first reward day, for earning 3 "Thumbs Up" days. Their day included 7 different sport stations that they were able to visit while listening to music. We are still deciding what this day should be called -whether Sport Stations, Sports Center, Sports Olympics, or something else. Any ideas?

Our Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade class just began learning about locomotor skills. When I asked my second graders what locomotor skills were, one student said, "Learning how to move your body in different ways." To add to that, having your feet move your body from one place to another. Students are always good at walking and running, but what about jogging, sprinting, hopping, jumping, leaping, skipping, and sliding? We are working together to understand the differences and practice and improve our movements.

Many people part of the West Side community have stopped to peek in the gym after hearing our class music. Music helps in so many ways. Younger students are very rhythmical, so using music allows them to better express themselves, motivates them to keep moving, and helps provide cues for many activities.

Just a reminder:
Middle School Students have this last week in September to complete their monthly activity and eating log.
The Soccer Quiz for middle school students will be next Wednesday, October 3.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

1st Week

What an AWESOME first week at West Side Christian.

So far, I have been able to meet 1st, 3rd, and 4th graders and all middle school students. Every class was enthusiastic, polite, kind, and fun to have in class!

It will always be a great memory to have my first class be a class that I was able to open with devotions and prayer.The eighth graders were slightly surprised by my excitement- and I was thankful I could explain to them the fact that I was not able to open in prayer ever before as a teacher. I encouraged them to not take it for granted, as I had, in my K-12+ personal Christian Education. I believe God gave me the experience in a public school to give me a heart of gratitude for all that I can now do with my students! I'm so thankful He did.

The first day in P.E. can be a ROUGH day... since it is a time filled with learning expectations and introductions rather than activity. Fortunately, every class was able to learn a lot the first day- AND got to be active!

Every class learned about my 3 guidelines:
1) No matter what the activity, try your hardest.
2) Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
3) T.H.I.N.K. before you speak: Is what you're about to say True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind?

Many classes got to test out the Fitness Circuit, set up in five different levels so that each student has the opportunity to challenge themselves. It included bicycle crunches (what's a crunch, Mrs. Verkaik?), jumping jacks, push ups, jump rope, wall sits, and sprints. Students tried to make it around the entire circuit in a matter of 3 minutes. If they made it, the next time they come they get to move up a level.

First graders were introduced to three super heroes: Kid Cardio, Miss Muscle, and Mr. Flex through a tag game called Superhero Fitness. Third and Fourth Graders got to know each other through Link Tag, Rock Paper Scissors Tag, and Group Juggling. Middle School students already completed the Mile Run for the Fall and did an outstanding job working their hardest and encouraging others. I had fun running the 'wrong' way and encouraging them. Although they were happy it was done, they weren't so happy that I surprised them with it (why tell them beforehand and have them dread it?) :)

I am looking forward to starting Intramurals, meeting my kindergartners and second graders, and continuing to build relationships with all the students at West Side!

P.S. I love the fact that I can share the I Corinthians 9 verse about running the race for an eternal prize with my first graders, and that they can explain to me that we are running for Jesus! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome back!

Greetings to all parents and students that I have yet to meet!

Although it's "Welcome Back" for many of you, this will be my first year teaching Physical Education at West Side Christian. I'm hoping many of you are as excited to get back into school (right?) as I am! I look forward to all of the fun physical  activities we will experience and the relationships we will build together.

Both parents and students can use this blog to see what's going on in Physical Educaiton class as well as Physical Activity throughout the whole school. This year, we will have two new programs:

1. Fuel Up to Play 60 (Grades 6-8)
Fuel Up to Play 60 is a program created by the United Dairy Council and the National Football League. It was created to increase student physical activity in schools and encourage new student-led ideas in regards to physical activity and nutrition. Students take ownership by investigating their school wellness and can apply for funding with their Program Advisor (If you'd like to sign up to help, let me know!) to help their ideas come to life and see improvements throughout their school.

2. Feelin' Good Mileage Club (Grades K-5)
The Mileage Club will be an exciting new opportunity for our elementary students during recess time. During recess, a new option is traveling the perimeter of the playground to earn miles for Mileage Club. Students can walk, run, skip, or dance their way along the track! Playground Aides help by punching the number of laps students have completed, and students hand in their cards to their classroom teachers. Each month, our highest mileage winner from each grade are announced and receive foot tokens, a certificate, and a healthy breakfast with Mr. Groenendyk or Mrs. Verkaik! We will also create a whole school goal to see how many miles we can complete for this school year! Look for our "mileage feet" throughout the hallways!

Keep checking back for other fun events this year like Family Fitness Night, A.C.E.S, Jump Rope & Hoops for Heart, and Field Day!

Stop by the West Side gym to introduce yourself soon- can't wait to meet you all!

-Mrs. Verkaik