Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is Success?

... Hearing one of your non-athletic 4th grade students say, "I wish we had P.E. all day" after completing a 3/4 mile run and coming in last....

THAT is success.

That is just one of many comments I overhear from my students. This is not because of me, but because of the environment that's created in our "classroom." Whether in the gym or on the field, or running laps around the school, or whether fitness or sport day, the expectation is the same: Improve yourself, encourage others, have fun, and work hard.

Middle school students are completing six steps this year related to our overall fitness unit:
1. Learn the components of fitness: Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility, and Body Composition
2. Participate in initial fitness tests: Mile Run, Pacer, Curl Ups, Push Ups, Sit and Reach, Height/Weight
3. Create 4 S.M.A.R.T. goals
4. Design an Action Plan for getting there
5. Perform final fitness tests (in spring)
6. Review action plan

This unit is reinforced with monthly activity/eating logs, optional extra credit health articles, and daily fitness warm ups that emphasize the different components an exercise routine must include for best health benefits.

We are also busy playing soccer, learning about the 17 laws of the game, and having many round robin tournaments anywhere from 1v1players to 12v12!

As a whole school, we also have some VERY EXCITING NEWS...

I submitted our 8th grade's "Bone Rap" video remake of Jill Jayne's very own song and sent in almost 100 letters from students ask Jill to visit our school.

She will be visiting us for free and having an assembly/concert in our gym from 1:30-2:30 where K-8 students will gather for a good time and learn how being healthy is cool!

Can't wait!

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